The Spiritual Meaning of Unicorns – Magic from the 7th Dimension
Unicorns are popular magical creatures in spiritual and religious scripts. They can be found in the Bible as well as in Buddhism and Taoism. Today, I´d like to talk about the spiritual meaning of unicorns outside organized religions.
Let´s start with the spiritual symbolism of the unicorn horn. We will also discuss the association of unicorns and femininity, purity, and innocence. What does a unicorn as a spirit animal teach us? Can unicorns move between dimensions?
Do you need more unicorn energy in your life? To finish with today´s post, we will learn how to invite unicorns into your life.
Unicorns and Intuition – Unicorn Horn as a Symbol
Have you ever wondered why the unicorn horn is attached to its forehead? On the forehead, or actually between the eyebrows is where the “third eye” is. The third eye is one of the seven chakras, the center points of the energetic body, in yoga. The third eye is associated with intuition, enlightenment, and higher consciousness.
A unicorn´s horn is in the forehead, in the same place where the third eye is. Therefore, the unicorn reminds us of the higher consciousness and intuition.
Unicorn as a Symbol of the Moon
Unicorns are associated with the Moon. They are connected with the feminine yin energy and femininity. The Moon is also seen as a symbol of femininity and passive yin energy.

In history, it was believed only a virgin could tame a unicorn. The connection between unicorns and femininity can be seen in this belief.
The Pure and Innocent Unicorns
Unicorns symbolize purity and innocence. The myth of the virgin and a unicorn comes from the belief, that unicorns are so pure and innocent, only a virgin who is as innocent in mind and spirit as a unicorn could tame one.
The white color is often associated with unicorns because the white color is a symbol of purity. It is the traditional color of a woman´s wedding dress, even though most Western people don’t expect a bride in a white dress to be a virgin anymore.
It is no longer a common belief, that you must be a virgin to see a unicorn, but it is said only those with a pure and innocent heart are able to see one. These single-horned animals are attracted to pure-hearted and genuine people, so they only show themselves to such people.
Unicorn as a Spirit Animal
A unicorn might be the spirit animal that teaches you valuable lessons in life. The unicorn as a totem animal symbolizes uniqueness. Your unicorn spirit guide encourages you to be your unique self. You should free your inner child and open your heart to the magic and wonders of the world. Unicorns can bring us joy and teach us to enjoy life more.
It´s not just the world that is magical, there is magic in your own heart as well. Unicorns encourage us to find that inner magic, our inner strength. They help us overcome hard times in life.
Your unicorn spirit animal asks you to be creative and keep dreaming. Believe in yourself and pursue your dreams! As a loyal friend and teacher, your unicorn spirit guide is always by your side on your journey of life.
Unicorns and Dimensions
It is said unicorns can move easily between dimensions, but that they actually live in the seventh dimension. That is the same dimension where angels live. Magical energy exists outside space and time, so unicorns can bring magical energy to any dimension, even in the one we live in.
Unicorns are often described as a symbol of travel because they are able to run extremely fast and travel to other dimensions.
Sometimes, it is said unicorns bring messages to us from angels in the seventh dimension. I´m not so convinced about that. I think the unicorns have their own message for us, and their message is powerful enough. They don’t need to bring messages from anyone else.
How to Connect with Unicorns?
Do you need some unicorn energy in your life? Now we know unicorns can move between dimensions, so they can come to our dimension too. But how to call for a unicorn when you need one?
First of all, you need to believe in unicorns to attract them. You can visualize them and meditate on them. You can also ask them to appear in your dreams.
The Spiritual Meaning of the Unicorn – A Powerful Spirit Animal
In conclusion, these are the spiritual associations of the unicorns:
- The horn of a unicorn is associated with the third eye chakra
- Unicorn is a symbol of Moon, femininity, and yin energy
- Innocence, purity, and white color are often associated with the unicorn
This is what the unicorn spirit guide teaches you:
- Be your unique self
- Pursue your dreams
- Release your creativity and inner child
- The world is a magical place
This is how to connect with unicorns:
- Believe in unicorns
- Visualize unicorns and meditate on them
- Ask unicorns to appear in your dreams
Get a personal message from your unicorn spirit guide on Magical Unicorn Life’s free online oracle cards.

So, what do you think about the spiritual meaning of unicorns? Do you know about some other spiritual symbolism associated with unicorns? Do you think a unicorn is your spirit animal? Have you ever been lucky enough to see a unicorn? Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section below!
My story is a long one full of wtf experiences and magic. Years ago (about 2009) I dreamt I was Queen of the Unicorns, seeing all the woodland magical creatures and Bears onto a spaceship 🙂. My Angels are always around me, helping me with what I need to know down here in this denseness. My name also means Pure Gift from God Victory and this is my last life here, I actually came back to help humanity 🌹. I know lots of my past lives….Just thought I’d leave a comment 💗
Hi Kate,
Sounds like you’re very connected to your spirit. I’m just curious, how do you know it’s your last life here; is it something you just know? Thank you for leaving a comment and sharing your thoughts with us! 🦄❤
That’s beautiful…sounds like you’ve been on a winding & glorious inner journey. Felt called to the unicorns as of late…strong pull from childhood.
some time ago I dreamed of saving a unicorn but strangely he was in the form of a golden dog hahaha I never knew that unicorns could be in other forms and never thought about unicorns before. in a dream him asked to be protected and then I hid him from the pursuit of 4 witches who looked gothic. I am an adult indigo but have never had a vision about unicorns before. Thank You.
Hi Kirsti
Two years ago, while I sat in meditation, I saw myself as a unicorn in my first birth along with my partner unicorn dancing , galloping freely around the lit glowing fullmoon in the outer space. That time was my courtship time and I saw my would as my unicorn partner in our first birth. Before these insights, I had not heard of unicorns much or never believed in it or read about them. This made believe that the partner I am going to get married to us my soulmate. But it’s been 9 months we are married now, and I am going through hardships in my relationship. We are living separately since 3 months now and I am shattered as it’s my second marriage. Don’t know why I face so much of struggle inspite of being God’s child. Please help and guide!
Hi Shivani,
I’m so sorry to hear about the problems in your marriage. The truth is that good people face many struggles and life seems so unfair sometimes.
The fact that you had the unicorn vision while meditating gives me the impression that you are a very spiritual person. Even though you are feeling shattered now, you have the power within you to overcome your difficulties.
I believe we attract more of what our current vibration is. That’s why trouble often seems to bring more trouble. Do you still meditate? Meditation might help you find the strength you need in your situation and raise your vibration, so that you could move on.
It’s impossible to say if you have found your soulmate or not. But you definitely need to take care of yourself now. I’m sure you will find your way to your soulmate, whether it’s your current partner you are separated with, or someone else. I believe we will eventually end up with the person we’re meant to be with.
Remember, your unicorn spirit guide is always by your side. If you feel like asking for advice from your unicorn spirit guide, we have free online unicorn oracle cards which can help. Many people have said they were positively surprised with these cards.
I’m sending hugs and unicorn magic for you!
Hi Kirsti,
I love the Unicorn realm. First I became aware of having two unicorn guides, I wanted to know their names and was preparing to sit in meditation when suddenly I got both of their names. It was amazing. Later they introduced me to their daughter, then the whole family.
I teach Unicorn workshops along with other modalities.
Blessings and sparkles to you.
Hi Maureen,
That’s fascinating! What were the names of your unicorn guides?
What kind of unicorn workshops do you teach? I’d love to know more!
Thank you for sharing this, unicorn magic and sparkles to you too!
Hi there! I love unicorns, but never really thought much about their spiritual meaning. I am usually more drawn to non-mystical animals when it comes to spirit guides (I prefer to work with the Dragonfly and the Hummingbird). I have also worked with the Spider and Deers before in my spiritual practice. The purity of the Unicorn is surely appealing. Thanks for the detailed insight – blessings!
Hi Claudia,
That´s interesting, I never thought of dragonflies, hummingbirds and spiders as spirit guides before. I knew deer is a spirit animal. What do these animals symbolize to you as spirit animals?
So much learnt about a unicorn within such a very concise and precise post such as this, it is great to know of. Unicorns have always being a fairy to me. Though I do not believe too much in the spiritual realm of the world and how the world operates, I however believe in the unicorn to be an epitome of the spirit that brings good fortune and blessing. Their uniques beauty and center horn always make me wonder if there can be anymore beauty as theirs. I never knew about them being for virgins and the fact they can be tamed by an innocent virgin. Wow! That’s nice. I’ll try to invoke one to my dream and pray it it works
That is an old legend that only a virgin can tame a unicorn. But in reality, no one can really tame a unicorn, even a virgin. You can become a unicorn´s friend, but you can’t tame one.
I agree, unicorns are one of the most beautiful creatures in the universe! I hope you’ll see dreams about unicorns, I also keep trying. 🙂
Thank you for your thoughtful comment!
I am surprised that it never occurred to me, that it was a logical thing for Unicorns to be associated with intuition due to the horn placement. I mostly focused on the purity aspect of them. Thanks for the insight! Blessings!
That’s true, it´s logical that the unicorn horn is associated with intuition, being in the third eye area. Blessings for you too!
Hello, nice article, thanks so much.
Thanks, Matthew. 🙂
Recently as usual I went into my mediation and spiritual healing practice and tried a different routine. I asked Mother Earth to heal me with all the elements, plants, flowers, crystals, mandala sacred geometry, my guides, power animals and angelic forces also powering it up. This time the unicorn Also sent iridescent rainbow into my third eye. I felt his horn there. The next day I look in the mirror I have a protruding red dot in the center of my forehead! My husband teased me about it. As a child I remember getting a hard small boil in the center of my forehead and trying to hide it with bangs. But every school has its bullies and they found out about it and took turns poking it. It hurt so much. My mom used call it a horn in her native tongue. As a kid I was so afraid it would be permanent! So I prayed to God and said that I would be good , please make me back to normal. As a child I had an active imagination and had these thoughts. Hahaha.
Oh wow, I guess you got to be careful what you wish for; you might end up getting a spot in your forehead! But your meditation practice sounds very beautiful, asking Mother Earth to heal you. I should try that too.
I strongly encourage you Kirsti to find Michael Jonathan Green’s manuscript, “De Historia Et Veritate Unicornis/On the History and Truth of the Unicorn,” published by Running Press of Philadelphia in 1983 & 1991. The book details how Michael was approached by a member of a gnostic brotherhood and entreated to bring their ancient text & illustrations to those of us in the New World. A supremely fascinating story revealing the 7 houses of the unicorn, their habits, their affinities, their connection with mankind including their ultimate purpose in our lives.
In 1992, while honeymooning in the Pocono Mountains, Mary & I spent a couple of days trying to find this elusive author/illustrator, and just when she thought our search was in vain, the skies opened up and we found ourselves in this wonderful man’s presence; sharing stories, gifts , messages and aspirations.
What a wonderful world!
P.S. Also seek out Theodore Sturgeon’s 1953 short story, “The Silken Swift,” which addresses the virgin and the unicorn mythology in a pastoral, apparently medieval setting–or is it? It is so finely told, that it prevented Peter S. Beagle from releasing his “The Last Unicorn,” for years, as he knew he could not hope to match Ted’s fantastic tale.
Thank you for this reading tip as well! Definitely sounds like a story worth reading.
Hi Jonathan,
I hadn’t heard of this book before. Thank you so much for sharing! Always excited to learn about new great unicorn books.
I have a dream that wake me up. And Google it and this the result. Anyway I see a man maybe his 20s with white unicorn horn on his forehead in my dreams.
Thank you, I love unicorns, I love colours horses and learning about these magical beautiful creatures, and the fact they are in the angel realm even better, because I love angels too. They are so kind, and send beautiful messages, and having unicorns beside them, my clothes and walls will be coloured with magic and love 💕 💕 ✨✨✨
I looked this article up, after I seen a perfect unicorn ‘s head in the clouds. Shaped as a cloud. Next to it was a perfect, wide heart. After these clouds fade, then a dolphin head shaped as a cloud.
When I started my animal totem journey many years ago, I was trying to remember what animals I loved and believed in as a child. Then it happened. I saw an eye next to my bed. It opened and closed. On the close I saw a design on a grey eye lid. I was a little taken back but I said, It’s ok, I want to see you. Then the full view came. Neko appeared to me. My Unicorn! I said I knew it!!! I knew Unicorns existed. I’ll never ever forget that experience. Reading this article made so much sense why Neko chose me.