Narwhal the Unicorn Puppy

Narwhal the Unicorn Puppy Adoption Update

Recently, we published a post on “Narwhal the magical unicorn puppy”, an abandoned puppy that was born with an extra tail on his forehead. Narwhal the unicorn puppy became a sensation and went viral on social media. Thousands of people offered to adopt him.

Mac’s Mission, the animal rescue center in Missouri that saved Narwhal from the street, planned to monitor the puppy for a little longer to ensure the extra tail won’t cause him any trouble. However, now Mac’ Mission has declared Narwhal the unicorn puppy adoption plans are canceled altogether. The founder of the animal shelter will keep Narwhal herself.

Featured image by Mac’s Mission Facebook page.

Mac’s Mission Fell in Love with Narwhal.

The founder of Mac’s Mission, Rochelle Steffen, says she has fallen in love with Narwhal, and so has the whole crew of Mac’s Mission. They simply can’t let go of their special “unicorn dog”. Steffen herself will keep Narwhal.

Narwhal, now 11 weeks old, has a rare birth defect; he has an extra tail on his forehead. The extra tail looks like a unicorn horn, which has brought Narwhal his name, and the nickname “magical unicorn puppy”.

The extra tail doesn’t cause Narwhal any pain. Narwhal is not able to wag the extra tail, because it doesn’t have any bones in it. His “unicorn horn” consists of just skin. The little puppy doesn’t even seem to notice the tail on his face.

Steffen wasn’t originally willing to have a puppy, and the plan was to give Narwhal to adoption. However, Steffen changed her mind when things got really crazy and Narwhal’s life was threatened.

Death Threats and $2 Million Offered for Narwhal

Thousands of people wanted to adopt Narwhal, and you can’t blame them. Who doesn’t want a unicorn puppy? Well, some people didn’t; Steffen received several hate messages and death threats aimed at the little puppy. Someone wanted to kill Narwhal because according to this person, he wasn’t a “God’s creature”. Another hate message sender called Narwhal’s extra tail a “Satan’s horn”.

There was also a group of people who wanted “Narwhal the unicorn puppy” so much, that they thought they could buy him with money. The biggest offer for Narwhal was $2 million. An executive from New York was willing to pay $7,000 and pick up Narwhal with a private jet.

The small animal shelter that operates with donations could have used the $2 million, but Steffen says Narwhal is not for sale, and the money wouldn’t ensure he would get a good home.

Some people turned up at the animal shelter unannounced, demanding to adopt Narwhal. Things got so crazy that Steffen decided to adopt Narwhal herself to ensure his safety. Of course, her decision made some people angry and jealous, and she received some hate messages again.

An Upcoming Star of “Different Is Awesome” Campaign

Narwhal now has a permanent home, but in the future, the unicorn puppy won’t be just another pet dog. His specialty will be put to good use. Narwhal will serve as a spokesdog for a new “Different is awesome” campaign. He’s also going to be trained as a therapy dog.

So, “Narwhal the unicorn puppy” seems to have a good future ahead of him. He has already helped other dogs too; some rescue dogs at Mac’s Mission have found a new home, thanks to the publicity Narwhal has brought to the rescue center.

Narwhal the Unicorn Puppy Adoption Plans Canceled – Now Narwhal Has a Permanent Home.

Narwhal the unicorn puppy is living proof that unicorns exist. Born with an extra tail on his forehead, this rescued puppy has received worldwide attention. Some people have threatened the puppy while others have offered $2 million to adopt him.

To ensure his safety, the founder of Mac’s Mission animal shelter has decided to adopt Narwhal the unicorn puppy herself. Some people have given her negative comments about this, but I think she’s doing the right thing.

Narwhal has already brought lots of attention to Mac’s Mission, and thanks to him, other rescue dogs have also found permanent homes. In the future, Narwhal the magical unicorn puppy is going to become the spokesdog of a new “Different is awesome” campaign. He’s also going to be trained as a therapy dog.

What do you think about the news? Do you think Narwhal is going to make a good spokesdog and a therapy dog? Do you think his extra tail looks like a unicorn horn? Please let me know in the comment section below.

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  1. Bless this beautiful baby. So happy to know that he’s now safe in his forever home! Thank you for raising the awareness and I hope that the world continues to have more compassion for our animal friends who also share the planet with us. They should be treated as friends and family instead of a market product.

    Cheers – Laureen.

    1. Hi Laureen, 

      I couldn’t agree more, I wish animals would be treated as friends and sentient beings, rather than as products. 

  2. Hi Kirsti,

    Thanks for the Great inspiring and motivating article! The story of Narwhal has to be motivating, not only for me but also for many others. I too love Unicorns and my wife first presentation to me is a Unicorn key chain.

    I was shocked and surprised on seeing how cheaply some people behave (Satan’s horn, hate messages, etc). It really hurts.

    For sure Narwhal is amazing and thanks for the videos you embedded. Therapy dog sounds great and adds more value to Narwhal. Nice article! I really enjoyed the content and in the manner that you presented.

    1. Hi Paul,

      What a charming gift your wife gave you!

      I was shocked too, people saying an innocent little puppy has a “Satan’s horn” and stuff like that. It reminds that Narwhal is needed as a spokes dog for the “Different is Awesome” campaign, because obviously some people can’t deal with anything or anyone different.

      Thank you for your comment!