What Is My Pegasus Name

What Is My Pegasus Name? – Reveal Your Winged Epithet

Have you ever asked yourself the question: “What is my Pegasus name?” If your answer is yes, you should take this Pegasus name quiz. Find out your personal Pegasus name!

Pegasus, a divine winged horse of ancient Greek mythology, has intrigued people throughout history. While Pegasus is not a unicorn, this magical flying horse is loved by many unicorn fans as well.

Pegasus has certainly left his hoof print in the unicorn world. The offspring of Pegasus is known to have mated with unicorns. This has resulted in a new unicorn species, the winged unicorn.

What Is My Pegasus Name? - Pegasus Flying over Flowers
Pegasus, the fascinating winged stallion, flying over a field of flowers

Just like unicorn names, Pegasus names are gender-neutral. That is to say, you don’t need to worry whether the Pegasus name you get on the quiz matches your gender, because Pegasus names are not gender-specific.

How to Take the What Is My Pegasus Name? -Quiz

Taking the What is my Pegasus name? quiz is very simple. Start the quiz, and you will get some questions that will help define the Pegasus name that matches your personality.

If you find it difficult to think of a “correct” answer for some question, choose the answer that comes to your mind first. The answer you think of first is usually the right one.

You may find some questions that don’t have your ideal answer on the list. For example, there might be a question about your favorite color. However, your favorite color is orange, and there is no orange on the answer list. Then, choose the color you like most out of the options on the list.

What Is Your Pegasus Name? – Share Your Result with Us!

So, how was the Pegasus name quiz? Do you like your Pegasus name? Remember to share this post on your social media, so you will find out your friends get to take the What is my Pegasus name? quiz as well. Find out which results your friends get on the quiz!

If you have enjoyed the Pegasus name quiz, you might also like our What is my unicorn name? quiz. On this quiz, you will find out your personal unicorn name.

I can reveal to you my Pegasus name; it is Lyra. I would love to know what your Pegasus name is, so please share your quiz result with us in the comment section below!


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  1. I have two granddaughters that were visiting with me this afternoon, and they were thrilled to learn that Nana’s Pegasus name is Icarus!  They love anything to do with unicorns and mythical creatures like Pegasus, and your quiz was quite fun.  Thanks for making all of us smile today, I told them when they come next time, we’ll find out what my unicorn name is!

    1. Hi Janelle,

      Icarus, that’s an awesome name! Thank you for sharing Nana’s quiz result with us. Happy to hear you guys had fun taking the Pegasus name quiz. 🦄