What Is a Unicorn Horn?
What is a unicorn horn? Why do unicorns have horns? Learn all about the healing powers of unicorn horns, and the various uses of unicorn horns in history.
We´re going to start by discussing, what a horn of an animal actually is and if the unicorn horn is different from other animals’ horns.
We are also going to explore the healing properties of unicorn horns and the various uses of unicorn horns in history. Finally, we will talk about the connection between a unicorn and its horn.
What Is an Animal Horn? 
According to Wikipedia, “a horn is a permanent pointed projection on the head of various animals consisting of a covering of keratin and other proteins surrounding a core of live bone”.
Horns are not the same thing as antlers. Antlers, which are found on deer, are an extension of an animal´s skull. Unlike horns, they are not permanent; antlers are shed and regrown. Usually, only male deer have antlers.
Horns are found on bovids, such as sheep and cows, and on pronghorns. The core of a horn is also an extension of an animal´s skull, but on top of the bone core growing from a skull, there is a keratin covering.
Also in species with horns, it is common that only the male has horns. Horns are often curved and they have ridges.
Animals with horns and antlers use them for self-defense, fighting, and attracting females.
Many animals have horn-like features, which are often called horns, even though they are not actual horns.
The horns of unicorns are often compared to the “horns” of rhinoceroses and narwhals because the narwhals and some species of rhinoceroses have a single horn as unicorns.
In reality, the “horns” of rhinoceroses are not horns, because they consist of just keratin; they do not have a bone core like horns.
The narwhals don´t have horns; the long “horn” of a narwhal is a tusk. Tusks are super-sized teeth. Elephants and wild boars also have tusks, but narwhals are identified with unicorns because they only have a single tusk.
What Is a Unicorn Horn?
Now that we know what a horn of an animal is, it is easier to specify what is a unicorn horn.
“A horn” is the best word to describe the unicorn horn; it is indeed “a permanent pointed projection on the head”. Unlike most horned animals, all unicorns have horns, not just the male.
How about the composition of the unicorn horn? Does it fit in the definition of a horn having a bone core covered with keratin? A unicorn is a magical creature, so there is no certain proof of its biology.
This means we can´t know for sure what a unicorn horn consists of either. We can study different sources, though, and make our own conclusions based on research.
According to The Magical Unicorn Society Official Handbook, “unicorn´s horns are made of precious materials, such as coral, opal, and silver.”
Are unicorn horns actually made of gemstone? If so, is the whole horn made of gemstone or just the covering?
I wonder if unicorn horns have a bone core, but the covering is gemstone instead of keratin. We don´t know that much about unicorns´ biology, so we only have legends to rely on.
Anyhow, unicorn horns are not like the horns of other animals. Unicorns are able to glow their horns, and they are able to use their horns for healing.
The Healing Powers of Unicorn Horns
Unicorn horns, or alicorns, are known for their medicinal properties.
First of all, unicorns are able to purify water with their horns.
It has been believed, that drinking from a unicorn’s horn would protect from disease and poison. Drinking from a horn of a unicorn is also supposed to relieve stomach aches and epilepsy.
It is believed that unicorns are able to heal wounds by touching a wound with their horns.
In Bruce Coville´s novel Into the Land of the Unicorns, a young unicorn purifies the water of a river with his horn, just in case.
Even if the water was not contaminated in the first place, the unicorn seems to do some magic by dipping his horn in the water.
When Cara, the main character, drinks the water, she exclaims excitedly: “It tastes like diamonds!” Maybe this is because unicorn horns are made of gemstone.
Unicorn Horns in History
Already in Ancient Greece, around 400 BCE, Ctesias told the unicorn horn to protect against poison.
Even early Christian writers mentioned the healing powers of unicorn horns. In a Christian book Physiologus, there is a story about a snake poisoning a river, and a unicorn that purifies the water with its horn.
In the Middle Ages, people highly valued unicorn horn cups. Actually, these cups were made of rhinoceros horn or narwhal tusk. However, people believed these were unicorn horns.
In the 1600s, there were newspapers in London advertising healing liquids and pills made of unicorn horns.
The royalty was also attracted to unicorn horns. The Throne Chair of Denmark is made of unicorn horns, as well as the imperial crown of the Austrian Empire.
Unicorn horns were also exposed in cabinets of curiosity. Obviously, most of these horns were likely narwhal tusks.
The Connection Between a Unicorn and Its Horn
Unicorns can´t survive without their horns, and this also goes the other way around.
The unicorn horn has no magical or healing powers whatsoever unless it´s attached to a unicorn! It does not work as a talisman for humans.
Therefore, the historical artifacts made of unicorn horns (or narwhal tusk) had no magical properties.
Unicorns can indeed purify water using their horns. But that is because the unicorns are using their horns for that. Drinking from a unicorn horn would do nothing because then it would be just like any other horn.
The same applies to the healing powers of unicorn horns. Unicorns can heal a wound by touching it with their horn. Again, that is because the unicorn is doing the healing.
Unicorn and Its Horn – An Inseparable Union
Unicorn horns have intrigued people throughout history. People used to believe unicorn horns can cure diseases and purify water.
In the Middle Ages, cups made of unicorn horns were highly valued, since people believed drinking from one would protect them from poisoning.
Up until the 17th century, liquids and pills made of unicorn horns were widely sold as medicine. Artifacts made of unicorn horns also attracted royalty.
In reality, most of the historical objects made of unicorn horns were actually made of the narwhal tusk. Anyhow, these objects could not have any healing properties, because a unicorn’s horn can only have magic when it´s attached to the magical animal!
Unicorns can´t survive without their horns, and their horns only have magic when they are attached to a unicorn´s head. A horn is the most magical part of a unicorn, and it is believed to be made of gemstone.
Unicorns can glow with their horns, and they can indeed heal wounds and purify water using their horns. This is like a wizard using his magic wand; the wand alone can´t do any magic. There needs to be a wizard with the magic.
What is a unicorn horn in your opinion? Do you believe it´s made of gemstone or something else? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below!
Many years ago, I went to a healer’s workshop and a series of specific reiki pre-meditation clearing position was practiced. I expected the usual reiki positions or chakra poses but additional head poses were added. The last pose was called “unicorn horn”. All the head poses were unique, but the unicorn horn pose totally cleared everything. I was told by the healer that the unicorn Horn pose was meant to use on healers to self clear. Now a days I don’t even need the hand poses, just the intention, and the energy flows. I usually envision the energy beams as sparkly, golden, diamond light. I tried other colors and felt different effects. I would imagine a real unicorn with multiple iridescent jewelike sparkling horn beaming healing rays. 🦄❤️
Interesting! So the unicorn horn pose was the most powerful one? The unicorn horn definitely glows, and now that I think of it, of course it’s the healing magical energy that glows from the unicorn horn.
Another healer placed her horn in the Kirin position and it felt potent also. Several other healers were also experimenting and some had a hard time feeling or connecting with the energies. The teaching healer noted that if the basic chakras are not cleared and strengthened, the unicorn horn technique would be difficult or not work. The chakras are rainbows and if in balance can bring harmony and healing. 🦄❤️
I see. So all chakras need to be cleared first? Not just the third eye chakra which is associated with the unicorn horn? Well, that makes sense.
Hi Kirsti,
What an interesting article here! I’m not exactly sure what the Unicorns horn is made of.
Icecream would be a great alternative! 🙂 The way it swirls is why I said that. It reminds me of ice cream!
They are beautiful creatures when my daughters were little they loved playing with my little pony. They would play for hours. And would dream about unicorns!
Great article!
Thank you,
Donna Rayne
Hi Donna,
Thank you! That´s a good answer, an ice cream cone does look like a unicorn horn. 😀 My little pony is awesome. There are many unicorn ones too. I even still have one unicorn My little pony. In my childhood we used to play with them too.
What an interesting article. I love that you refer to historical perspectives of unicorns as it shows that us humans have had a fascination with unicorns that go way back! You’ve also been very educational on the differences between all of the different animals that have either horns, or antlers, and keratin. The image of the unicorn is mesmerizing and magical, and I can only imagine their horns would have magical healing properties which we would be very grateful for if we even had the need and honour of being healed by a unicorn. It would be nice to think that a unicorn horn might be made of opal. Thanks for keeping my imagination alive :).
Hi Kat,
Thank you so much for your feedback. Yes, an opal horn would be nice. Meeting a unicorn with a horn made of your favorite gemstone would be awesome. For me, it would be a unicorn with an amethyst horn.
Hi, Kirsti! The fact I am a Sagittarius, reading about unicorns is close to my heart. 🙂 Anyway, I know this question may sound odd to you, but why do unicorns have 1 horn? And why do they become a mystical or a symbol of magical world or something? Is there any reason why they’re stereotyped like that?
Looking forward to your response,
Hi Mecyll,
Those are good questions you asked. I think unicorns have one horn first of all, because unicorn means ´one horn´ in Latin. I assume it´s also because having one horn is more rare than having two horns. Some animals do have just one horn, but there are far more animals with two horns.
Why are unicorns a symbol of magical world? Well, because they are magical animals. 🙂 They have always been, just like dragons and fairies and other magical creatures.
I hope I managed to answer your questions. Thank you for leaving a comment!
Sure, it’s my pleasure. Finally, I got the answers. 🙂 Thank you, Kirsti.
You´re welcome. 🙂 I´m happy I was able to satisfy your curiosity about unicorns.
Did you know unicorn horns are called Alicorns?
Hi Maya! I do! It is super impressive that you know what unicorn horns are called! Thank you for commenting!
If a unicorn loses its horn somehow, does it regrow? Ive heard it regrows after 10 ten years, but I am not sure