Unicorn life

Where Do Unicorns Live?

Where Do Unicorns Live?

Where do unicorns live? What is the ideal natural environment for unicorns? Find the top destinations on Earth to spot unicorns.

Do Unicorns Have Babies?

Do Unicorns Have Babies?

Do unicorns have babies? Today, we’re going to answer this question. We will also talk about how unicorns care for their foals. Cute baby unicorns coming up!

Are Unicorns Horses with a Horn?

Are Unicorns Horses with a Horn?

Are unicorns just magical horses with a horn? We will discuss the similarities and differences between horses and unicorns; their lifestyle, diet, appearance and so on.

3 Unicorn Life Lessons

3 Unicorn Life Lessons

Imagine you could call a unicorn hotline and ask for unicorn life lessons. What kind of life lessons would the unicorn share with you?

Can Unicorns Talk?

Can Unicorns Talk?

If you happened to meet a unicorn while taking a walk in a forest, what would you say? Would the unicorn understand your words? Can unicorns talk?